Thursday, 16 January 2014


                                        NX CAD INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

Here is a another set of interview questions for NX CAD


SOURCE : http://tinyurl.com/qaqrqyo

       Few questions may be repeated from the previous blog post. Please Regret it

1) What do you mean by Gateway Application in UG?
Unigraphics functions are divided into applications of common capabilities, such as Modeling , NX Sheet Metal, Shape Studio, Drafting, Manufacturing, Assemblies etc.
When you open Unigraphics, you are in the Gateway application because this application is a pre-requisite to all other application.
2) What is Master Model Concept?
The same model is used from conceptual design to the Drafting, Assembly, Analysis and Manufacturing. The idea of a virtual assembly taken to its logical conclusion leads to Master Model paradigm. If you change any thing in Master Model, it will reflect in all other applications.
3) What do you mean by Team Center?
It is a PDM (Product Data Management) software which helps the organisation effectively control the design, development, analysis, manufacturing through out the product of life cycle.
4) How to convert a file created in mm to inches (conversion of units) in UG?
We can convert a file created in mm to inches by using UG command prompt.
ug_convert_part (space) -in (space) 1234.prt
Note: Save your file where command prompt showing location; Example:- C:/users/username
5) What is meant by UDF?
User defined feature is used to create the objects of different sizes in a single file. We can create our own form features that automate commonly used design elements. You can create and add the user defined features (UDFs) to target solids. You can define the shape and function of features, and create hierarchical libraries of features that are tailored to our need.
6) What is Promote body?
When you have an assembly that is work part, this option lets you promote a body from a loaded assembly component to the level of  the assembly. The promote body remains associative to the original body, which is referred to as the base body.
Once you have promote a body, you can perform operations on it, such as adding features, performing Boolean operations between it and other bodies, and so on. The effects of these operations are only visible at the level of the assembly work part in which the promote was created, and in any other assembly that references that part.
7) What is Wave Link Geometry?
This option create an associate copy of composite curve, sketch, datum, point, face, body, mirror body of part file in assembly file. Once you have  a wave linked boy you can perform operations on it. (Example: In Machining model you can add wave link of Casting model and perform the machining operations)
8) What is Extract Body?
This option create an associate copy of an entire body in part file. Features can then be added to Extract Body feature without appearing on the original body. You can also decide whether you want he Extract Body feature to update when the original body is changed.
 9) What are Part families?
This option let you create a family of parts by creating a template part. You can use the Unigraphics spread sheet (via the Create button on the Part Families dialog) to create a table describing the various  part family members.
10) What do you mean by Expressions?
Expressions are mathematical or conditional equations used to control the parameters of a model. With expressions, you can easily apply major edits to a model. By changing the expressions that control a specific parameter, you can re-size or re-position features of a solid model
Three types of Expressions are there
  1. Airthmatic Expressions
  2. Conditional Expressions
  3. Geometric Expressions
11) What is Direct Modeling or Synchronous Modeling?
Direct modeling techniques represents extended capabilities for some of the more basic Unigraphics functions. Among these are face oriented operations, constraint based methods, blend regeneration and independence of feature history. You can use Direct modeling functions on models that have been imported from other CAD systems and are non-parametric.
12) What is the limit for Undo?
we can use Undo for 222 times or until up to last time saved.
13) How many colors in are there in UG?
There are 216 colors in UG.
14) How many Layers are there in UG?
There are 256 Layers in UG.
15) What are Grips? What are there uses?
Grip programs can be executed as button action by specifying grip executable file names. The uses of Grip are
  1. Simplify Repetitive Operations
  2. Standardized Results
  3. Interactive  commands.
16) What do you meant by Weight Management?
The Weight management option allow us to calculate and control the weight  and other mass properties of parts, components and assemblies based on the solid bodies they contain.
17) What do you mean by Knowledge Fusion?
The Unigraphics NX Knowledge Fusion application provides a graphical user interface that allows us apply engineering knowledge driven rules and design intent to geometric models and assemblies in Unigraphics.
18) What are the different types of modeling?
There are four types of modeling.
  1. Solid Modeling
  2. Feature Based Modeling
  3. Free Form Modeling
  4. Sheet Metal Feature Modeling
19) What is Parasolid?
Para solid is form of translator which is used to open the higher version Unigraphics part files to in lower version of Unigraphics. For example we can open the NX7.5 version part files in NX4.
20) How can we create a mosquito coil?
We can create a mosquito coil by first creating an inclined helix curve and then projecting it to the bottom plane. Then we need to use the sweep along guide command.

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